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Philomath Forward Scholarship

The Philomath Forward Scholarship is a $1,500 per year over a 4-year time span (maximum of $6,000) Scholarship. Scholarship to be used at any accredited institution of higher learning, trade school or other post-secondary accredited occupational training. (Disbursed to an educational institution to the benefit of the recipient.)


Eligibility requirements:

  1. Applicant must have attended schools in the Philomath 17J district for four complete academic years; graduated, or is on track to graduate, from a Philomath 17J high school.

  2. If awarded this scholarship, the applicant must, for continued eligibility, maintain a minimum Cumulative grade point average (gpa) of 2.00 each term/semester of their post high school educational pursuits over the maximum 4-year time span.


Avoid using an outdated form. Wait until Jan. 1 of the year in which you  plan to submit this application to print or download  it. 

Scholarship Recipient Info Deadline.  Recipients must contact PCF  and provide information by Dec. 31 See the back of the award certificate for instructions. Without information from recipient,  PCF  will be unable to distribute scholarship money.

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